Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Something you may experience when you get glasses; and my solution

Ok, so you went to the eye doctor and tested your vision, only to find out you've been seeing worse than everyone else your whole life? Hopefully your vision isn't as bad as mine, at 20/400 I've been seeing blurs where others easily see something clear.

I didn't know how much extra trouble I was going through because that was just how life was, and I thought everyone had vision like mine; I thought everyone had to squint to see the menu at fast-food places.

The long and the short of it is, you need glasses; you could get contacts but there are some problems that follow contacts that you don't want.

What's the problem?

Well the first thing you're probably thinking about is looks. As humans, most of us care about how we look and about how other people think we look. We worry constantly if we have the right fashion, shoes, hair style, or even if we have the right hobby.

This isn't how it should be but unfortunately, it's how it is.

Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't care about what others think of you; it's unrealistic to suggest that when I know most of you will laughingly throw that advice away; you're not looking for the teacher/mom answer.

But I'm probably not going to give you the answer you want either. I'm not going to tell you   not to get glasses.

I didn't like how I looked with glasses originally, my story is slightly different though.

Because I don't go to school, I mostly don't have to deal with the constant judgement people my age dole out upon their peers on a daily basis, so my dislike of my glasses was my view of myself only.
This wasn't the glasses fault, it was mostly I could finally see myself clearly instead of a smudge in a mirror, which was another smudge.

Regardless, I felt something had to be done.

What did I do? Well my solution was to get a hair cut, which was long overdue anyway; and experiment with new clothes, I've found that I very much enjoy my turtleneck sweater now, and I'm styling my hair, where I didn't before.

I'm not going to pretend I understand the social hierarchy that is public school, but you might find, with a few tweaks, the glasses aren't as bad as you thought they might be... And in my case, you may find yourself liking the awareness to your looks the glasses brings.

And the next time you hear someone called four-eyes or insult them because they wear glasses, stand up for them in the name of Y-T1ME.

'Till next time, be a Y'ner and show your support; follow me on google or subscribe to my youtube channel!


  1. Go bespectacled one! Love yourself and others will follow suit. Plus, glasses make you look smart and fashionable with the right frames.


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